I left the house this morning with snow coming down - and a couple of inches on the ground. By the time I got to the office it was just rain. Thankfully, when I went to run - it was just windy and chilly. So glad I didn't have to contend with snow, slush or rain. Ankles bled - again. I guess I have to cover the cuts for a few days.
Tomorrow we're running the local Turkey Trot 5k that benefits Gerry's Food Pantry and the homeless shelter. We've done this one before. You register but you also bring food or money. It's early so you have plenty of time for family festivities afterwards. And lots of families do the race - it's nice seeing them out there. Although I kind of freak when I see little kids crying and not wanting to go on and the parents making them keep going. That doesn't seem like a good way to foster a love of running.
Today I am thankful we have beer in the house (nothing like a cold beer in a hot shower after a run).
Perhaps you're feeling thankful and generous - and I just happen to be raising money to fight cancer!
Happy Thanksgiving Eve!!
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