I was just asked if I needed a pillow at our 'go to' restaurant in town, the Governor's Inn. Yep - I look that tired. It was my longest run ever at 14.1 miles and I did it in decent time, but I am beat. I was actually a little warm at times today - but I'm not complaining - in fact, I don't even want to comment on the weather in case I jinx it.
I've gotten into this weird habit of doing my Saturday long runs and then getting sucked into the SyFy channel. They've got some incredibly bad movies - what I call perfect good-bad movies. Last weekend was all Sasquatch movies, today is all about weather disasters. Not climate change but extreme craziness like the atmosphere disengaging from the planet, shifting poles, vertical weather (?) or volcanoes popping up in new places.
I don't know why I like these bad movies - the pseudo-science? The ridiculousness of them? The fact that I can fall asleep in the middle and not miss anything? That might be it......
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