It's been a while since I posted. First - the bad. The knee is still bothering me - a lot. Actually, more than it was. I've been cross-training during the week and I've done my long runs on the road. I've switched to a run/walk program to try to alleviate the knee issue. It might be helping. I'm also pretty burnt out on running - not enjoying this running business so much anymore. (Huge understatement.) I mean - maybe some of us just weren't meant to run this far?
BUT and it's a big one (keep your laughter down please) - the good news is overwhelming. I made my goal of $4500 - and some extra! So, no matter what happens - this entire journey / process/ pain-fest was a huge success! Hitting my goal was actually a big relief - one thing I don't have to worry about. One huge positive for me to think about during my excessively long cross-training sessions.
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